Pin Cushion Drum Finishing Tutorial

 Welcome! This tutorial will show you how to finish a cross stitch round drum pin cushion. 

Click here to download the PDF finishing instructions for the tutorial .

 You will need:

~ Your finished stitching - both the round section and rectangular side section
~ Quilt cotton or more cross stitch fabric for bottom section (your choice of fabric)
~ 4 straight pins
~ Sewing needle (sharper than an embroidery needle)
~ Fabric scissors + Paper scissors
~ Polyester quilt batting
~ Ruler and Protractor or Compass (for drawing the circles on mat board)
~ 1/8” thick Mat board (or cardboard)
~ Lightweight iron-on interfacing
~ Fibrefil for filling (or sawdust or crushed walnut shells) 


 Making the Side of the Pin Cushion

1. Trim the rectangular stitched piece ½” from the Back Stitch line. This will be your sewing line for assembling the pin cushion.

2. Cut a piece of light-weight fusing just smaller than the Back Stitching line on your rectangular piece. Carefully iron the fusing to the back side of stitching. Finger-press the seam allowance back on all 4 sides.

3. Using 2 strands embroidery floss in the same color as your back stitching, join the sides of the pin cushion with a Whip Stitch, using back stitch lines as stitching lines (slide needle under a stitch on one side, then the other).


Making the Top & Bottom of the Pin Cushion

1. The circular design will become the top of your Pin Cushion.

2. Cut two circles out of light-weight mat board. If you stitched on 14ct, cut two 3.75“ circles. If you stitched on 16ct, cut two 3.25” circles, and if you used 18ct, cut two 3" circles.

3. For the bottom, cut out 1 circle from thin batting the same size as the mat board and glue to one of the mat board circles with an acid-free glue stick.

4. For the top, cut out 2 circles from quilt batting the same size as the mat board, and then cut 4 more circles, each one 1/4” smaller than the last. Glue one of the largest circles to the other mat board piece, and stack the other circles on top - largest to smallest. This will create a rounded top to place your pins into.


5. Center one of the mat board circles onto your stitched top piece and cut it out, with an additional ½” - 5/8“ around the edge for seam allowance. Cut a second piece of cloth the same size for the bottom of drum.

6. Place the mat board circle with batting side against the back side of your fabric. Using 2 strands embroidery floss, gather your top piece onto the mat board circle using a Basting Stitch. Repeat this step for the bottom section - using your choice of fabric.


Assembling the Pin Cushion Pieces

1. Pin the top piece to the drum body at regular intervals using the 4 straight pins.

2. Using 2 strands embroidery floss to match your backstitching, Whip stitch the top circle piece to the top edge of the drum. Take a stitch through the backstitched line on the body of the drum and then under 1-2 threads in the top fabric, all the way around the edge.

3. Whip stitch the bottom circle to the side of the drum, stopping about 3” from the end.

4. Fill with clean sawdust, crushed walnut shells, or polyester filling. Whip stitch the rest of the edge closed.